Design Research: Uncovering Insights for Innovative Solutions to be

At our product innovation design agency, we understand that the foundation of any successful design lies in comprehensive and insightful research. Our Design Research services are crafted to uncover the deep insights needed to inform and inspire your design projects. From product design and user experience design to brand experience design and business modelling, we provide a full suite of services that drive innovation and ensure success.

What is Design Research?

Design research is a systematic approach to understanding users, their needs, and the context in which they interact with products and services. It involves a variety of methods, including qualitative and quantitative research, to gather data and generate insights that inform the design process. By focusing on empathy, context, and co-creation, we help you develop solutions that resonate with your target audience and create value for your business.

Our Design Research Services

1. User Insights

We conduct in-depth research to gain a deep understanding of your users, their behaviours, and their needs. This forms the basis for developing user-centred designs that meet real needs.

  • Qualitative and Quantitative Research: Using interviews, surveys, and observations to gather data.
  • Empathy: Understanding users' emotions and experiences.
  • Context: Studying the environment in which users interact with your products or services.
  • Human-centred design: Ensuring the product meets the real needs of users.

2. Data Analysis and Synthesis

We analyse and synthesise research data to uncover patterns and insights that drive the design process. This helps us identify opportunities for innovation and create solutions that are both effective and meaningful.

  • Data Analysis: Processing and interpreting research data.
  • Sense-making: Converting data into actionable insights.
  • Synthesis: Combining different data points to form a coherent understanding.

3. Ideation and Co-creation

We facilitate ideation and co-creation sessions to generate ideas and develop innovative solutions. By involving stakeholders and users in the design process, we ensure that the final product meets their needs and expectations.

  • Ideation: Generating and refining ideas.
  • Co-creation: Collaborating with users and stakeholders to develop solutions.
  • Discussion: Engaging in meaningful conversations to explore possibilities.

4. Design Frameworks and Guidelines

We create design frameworks and guidelines to guide the design process and ensure consistency across all touchpoints. This helps streamline the design process and ensures that all design efforts are aligned with your business goals.

  • Frameworks: Developing structured approaches to guide the design process.
  • Guidelines: Establishing standards and best practices for design.

5. Compliance and Standards

We ensure that all design solutions comply with relevant standards and regulations. This not only ensures the safety and accessibility of your products but also enhances their credibility and trustworthiness.

  • Compliances: Adhering to industry standards and regulations.
  • Standards: Ensuring designs meet necessary requirements.

6. User Experience Design (UX)

Our user experience design services aim to create seamless and engaging interactions between your users and your products or services. By focusing on usability and accessibility, we enhance user satisfaction and foster loyalty.

  • Platform XD/UX: Designing intuitive interfaces for digital platforms.
  • Design for Wellbeing: Creating designs that contribute positively to the user’s physical and mental health.

Our Approach

Defining the Research Approach

We tailor our research approach to the specific context of your project, selecting methods that will best achieve the desired research outcomes.

  1. Research Protocols: Preparing detailed research protocols, including tools, structure, interview guides, and supporting materials.
  2. Regulatory Constraints: Identifying the research approach according to agreed samples and regulatory constraints.
  3. Client Engagement: Ensuring active involvement of clients throughout the research process.

Conducting Research

We lead comprehensive research activities, including interviews and related download sessions, to gather valuable insights.

  1. Interviews: Conducting and leading interviews to gather qualitative data.
  2. Download Activities: Synthesising information from research sessions.

Delivering Insights

We determine the best methods for delivering research insights and trace these throughout the project lifecycle.

  1. Synthesis: Daily synthesis and final research reports, finding synergies, connections, and patterns.
  2. Opportunities: Identifying and discussing opportunity areas, and championing these throughout the project.
  3. Research Assets: Providing detailed research assets, including tools and guidelines for future use.

Utilising Data

We use quantitative research to complement qualitative findings and guide the design process.

  1. Testing Methods: Defining and using the best tools and methods for testing, including question guides and testing kits.
  2. Testing Outcomes: Creating testing reports and refining designs based on outcomes.
  3. Metrics: Identifying key data and metrics for assessment during and after product launch.

Client Handover

We ensure a smooth handover to the client, providing coaching and detailed guidelines to help operationalise design research within their organisation.

  1. Coaching: Offering detailed coaching and handover sessions.
  2. Guidelines: Providing comprehensive guidelines and tools to support ongoing research activities.

Why Choose Us?

Comprehensive Research Methods

We use a mix of qualitative and quantitative research methods to gather a comprehensive understanding of your users and their needs. This includes interviews, surveys, observations, and data analysis.

Empathy and Context

We prioritise empathy and context in our research, ensuring that we understand users' emotions, behaviours, and the environment in which they interact with your products. This deep understanding informs every aspect of the design process.

Co-creation and Collaboration

We believe in the power of co-creation and collaboration. By involving stakeholders and users in the design process, we ensure that the final solutions are user-centred and meet their expectations.

Actionable Insights and Frameworks

We provide actionable insights and design frameworks that guide the design process and ensure consistency. This helps you make informed decisions and streamline your design efforts.


Our Design Research services are designed to help you uncover the deep insights needed to drive innovative and user-centred solutions. By integrating product design, user experience design, service design, and business modelling, we create holistic solutions that drive growth and enhance user satisfaction. We design for a long-lasting impact that starts with a strong foundation: design research.