iF Jury Member: Andreas Diefenbach

132 jury members in the largest iF jury ever - Managing Partner Andreas Diefenbach is part of it.
What does it mean to be a member of the jury of an international design award? Why is so much time spent reviewing thousands and thousands of submissions?
It's about differentiation; it's about having your finger on the pulse of time, setting new standards; distinguishing the good from the best and distinguishing an average performance from an outstanding one. Sifting through these insights into different industries, products and services, being able to exchange views with people of different positions, nationalities and opinions is a great enrichment in the jury work and decisive for the assessment of design quality.
The first step in the iF Design Awards process is the online pre-selection, where all 132 jurors discuss their evaluation, setting (new) industry standards and possibly discovering new trends. The final judging will take place in spring.
We are delighted that our Managing Partner Andreas Diefenbach has the opportunity to be part of this year's largest ever iF jury - and returns with new thoughts, insights and experiences.

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