Own knowledge and pass it on

Own knowledge and pass it on – with the topic of “wellbeing at future workplaces” our colleagues Claudia Tietge, Design Business Manager, Stephan Thiemt, Principal Strategist and Carolin Schmitt, Senior Design Researcher, teach 16 students at the Stuttgart Media University (HdM) across different semester levels. In the course Information Design, which is part of the Service Design module, several participants from completely different areas just as educators, nurses or restaurant service staff were interviewed by the students to gain information on their workplace environment – considering the question: “How can we design a service in the work context that contributes to improving the physical and mental wellbeing of working people?”.

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"We were accompanied by Caro, Stephan and Claudia as experts with a lot of euphoria and passion in an intensive design process." Service Design Student, Nicola

What the students valued most, was that the whole process of design research was shown by our designers: “We were accompanied by Caro, Stephan and Claudia as experts with a lot of euphoria and passion in an intensive design process. For me, I particularly take with me, the many little tips and tricks from practice: from conscious pauses in speech interviews, to the direct naming and visualiation of concept ideas, to the right balance of facts & storytelling for next level presentations." – feedback that makes us very happy, from Service Design student Nicola Obermaier.
Picture Copyright: Hochschule der Medien


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